We usually celebrate the new year in winter, but Nature celebrates the new year in spring when the soil's microbes awaken, melting snow feeds rivers, lakes, forests, and gardens, birds weave their nests for a new life, and flowers begin to grace our meadows. In the northern hemisphere, we rejoice as refreshing and inspiring impulses from Nature help us burst out of our stagnation to try something new, exciting, and joyful! As the days get longer, it's easier to deepen our relationship with the Earth and follow Nature's biological rhythms, to come out of hibernation inspired to birth something new. We at Alaskan Essences celebrate these changes and encourage you to embrace the momentum of Nature’s joyous example and begin something new or challenge yourself in a new way.
We have all experienced difficulty following through on our best intentions and good ideas, and we often look back after a few months and wonder what happened. We can get stuck when creative thoughts and intentions get lost because we unconsciously push against them with self-imposed obstacles. For instance, when we feel like changing or trying something new, but we don't know where to start or how to get there, or our insecurity feeds self-doubt, and our programmed behaviors and beliefs get in the way.
The Alaskan flower, gem, and environmental essences reveal solutions to these problems and inspire us to get unstuck and find our way back to our highest path, where our heart leads the way and the mind helps us get there. They remind us that each moment is an opportunity for new beginnings, and we can start right now with small steps, whether we have a new idea or project, a change in life direction, enhanced self-care, or want to learn something new.

Peridot – support for new cycles of growth and experience
Peridot is the stone of new beginnings. This gem elixir provides gentle structural support when we start something new or move into a new phase of our lives. It creates a fresh, clear space in our hearts to give birth to our dreams when insecurity or fear of failure prevents us from moving forward. When we are challenged by transition and change, Peridot's soft and protective energy helps us feel safe and secure enough to move beyond our usual safety zone into new areas of life.
Bog – support for your creations from Mother Earth
Bogs are semi-swampy habitats that nurture a rich diversity of life. Being in Nature is grounding, but when visiting a bog, you feel one step closer to the Earth Mother. Bogs are alive with an abundance of elemental energies, the fresh new energy of potential, and nurturing and grounding feminine earth energy. Bog environmental essence captures that energy to introduce a unique and vibrant creative power into our lives, helping us realize our potential and increase our ability to hold the promise of new creation. Bog essence helps connect our hearts to the heart of Mother Earth, opening us to her love, wisdom, and unlimited support.

Sticky Geranium – getting unstuck
Sticky Geranium flower essence is ideal when we feel caught in a web of procrastination. Its vibrant and catalytic energy can help us move from a place of lethargy to decisive and focused action. This essence stimulates a higher degree of cooperation between the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of our being, enabling us to move with clarity, focus, and a sense of order to the next level of an experience. Whether writing the next chapter in a book or making a more substantial commitment to a job or relationship, Sticky Geranium encourages us to tune into our inner knowing where we can release old levels of programming and resistance that hold us in a place of stagnation. It empowers us to free up our inner potential and go beyond previous stages of growth and self-definition to jump into life with energy and enthusiasm.
Aventurine – the courage to face unknown adventures
Aventurine gem elixir connects us to our inherent power and heart-centered courage, inspiring us to open ourselves more than ever to the joy and excitement of living. It is essential when we lack stamina and fortitude or want to quit when faced with obstacles, especially our limiting belief systems. When life tests our resolve with significant changes, this essence provides the strength and stability we need to move into and through new experiences with grace, stamina, and perseverance. This a powerful essence for spiritual trailblazers and pioneers because it helps us gain a new level of trust in ourselves, move past our control zone, and become more comfortable exploring the edge of the unknown.

Wild Rhubarb – leading with the heart
Wild Rhubarb flower essence promotes mental flexibility and creative problem-solving by clearing and expanding the communication channel between the higher self, the heart, and the mind. It is vital when our mind thinks it can run the show, resulting in stubborn, controlling, and uninspired behavior. When we receive and follow impulses from our higher self, a relaxation of inappropriate mental control will follow, resulting in new thoughts, perspectives, plans for action, and solutions to our problems. This essence also teaches us to lead with the heart when considering our future, especially the challenge of setting priorities for our life. It reminds us to start the process by asking the heart what it thinks about the situation and how it would like to proceed.
Go-Create – taking creative action
Our Go-Create abundance formula and spray are designed to help you co-create what you want, need, and desire in your life with less resistance and more ease, efficiency, and effectiveness. This formula will help you clear limiting beliefs from past experiences, enhance your ability to feel worthy to receive your heart’s desire, and find the trust, faith, and gratitude to empower you to hold a vibration in alignment with what you truly desire to create in your life.

Use the Go-Create formula to:
Open your awareness to the unlimited generosity of the Universe
Focus your intention and attention on what you want to manifest rather than on what you perceive to be missing
Trust in your capacity to create
Tap into your inner truth, joy, and wisdom
Feel more empowered around the whole co-creative process
Use the Go-Create Spray whenever you want to ignite inspiration and feel empowered in your capacity to create. Use it in your home, office, studio or during meditations, classes and workshops. The spray contains our original Go-Create Abundance Formula and the essential oils of Rosemary, Coriander, Lavender, Laurel, and Fresh Ginger. These refreshing oils are well known for their ability to support self-esteem, inner fire, enthusiasm and creative boldness, liberating you from doubts about your ability to manifest a flowing abundant life.
I love flower essences and I hope you too discover this amazing brand!
Happy Spring!
Gabriela Ana
Holistic Health Coach