In this blog post, we will explore the best ways to make the most out of June, ensuring that your month is filled with excitement, relaxation, and memorable moments.

In the current atmosphere, there's a sense of acceleration and a strong urge to eagerly embrace opportunities that may have been elusive earlier this year. We are eager to fast-track to the positive aspects, as the number 6 in June symbolizes love, home, and beauty. Key themes include new romance, enhancing the home environment, and fostering connections within the community.
Imagine a world where communities and tribes are like a cozy campfire for kindred spirits. Now is the moment to dive into social adventures, sharing stories and forging connections with your tribe!
The Dharma of number 6 includes clarity, sharp awareness, fighting for a true cause, sense of natural injustice, flourishing and intuitively choosing the moment for letting out the battle cry.
The Karma of number 6 includes fear, insecurity, picking a fight for nothing, personally identifying with injustices, dark and heavy silence, too many secrets, or screaming and speaking too much.
The month of June, not to mistake hesitation for moments of meditation, and do not mistake moments of meditation for hesitation.
6 is the number of the open flower in full bloom. There are flowers which open in winter and others that open in summer.
June gives us the longest or shortest day of the year (depending on the hemisphere). Therefore it is a peak and a turning point. We can go no further in the direction we were and now we must make an arc to turn the wheel of life back upon itself. In the extremeness of sunlight and heat, or cold and darkness, we are wise to take cover. Taking cover due to fear is karmic and reactive. Taking cover through intuitive common sense is Dharma in action.
Intuition, given by the Arc-line, is there to cover you, and keep you ahead of the time. When we lack a sense of our own presence then we fill the space with excess of false decorations. When our arc-line is in flourishing and vibrant it becomes our decoration and our effectiveness – a presence that speaks.
Expand the lungs, sing out loud, and dance from the core to your extremities. The other (inner) hemisphere of that is to breathe so silently that it gives you a loud and impacting presence. As the arc-line has two hemispheres then each needs the balance of the other. So in June we present our presence in the present and fully enter the world, yet keeping secret moments in which to return within, become silent and let the clarity reveal itself.
Spiritual suggestions for the month:
– Take many moments to just be with your breath.
– Breathe your fear. Turn it into a wind behind your sails.
– Make music and song of your pain
– Meditate on natural justice before getting into any fight (fight ‘for’ – not ‘against’).
– Keep the phrase ‘there’s no injustice, all just is’.
– Meditate to develop your intuition.
Element of the month: FIRE
Similar to how the sun fuels energy for the earth, fire serves as the energy source for the body. Fire embodies perception, illumination, and sight, with the eyes being viewed as the organ associated with fire. It symbolizes light, warmth, vitality, metabolism, and the ability to transform.
We can use this energy to burn through the negativity and create great things, or burn up ourselves in anger.
To get to the heart of the matter, we must let go of all that we’ve ever known. Our Intuition will take us finally to a precipice in consciousness.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
Intuition is different from of thinking, logic, and analysis — it’s that feeling of knowing something for certain without knowing how.
Have you ever had a gut feeling lead you to the answer to an important question? Have you ever just suddenly known how to solve a problem that you had been agonizing over for weeks? That’s intuition.
In her article on Intuition, the fabulous actress Carrie Anne Moss spills the beans:
Yogis believe women are naturally 16x more intuitive than men. And, we open up to it even more during pregnancy and into Motherhood. Yet, even with the natural opening up to your intuition there is room to enhance and strengthen our intuitive sense to better guide you in life.
Ways to strengthen your Intuition.
Taking a pause and going Inside for answers
Practicing listening to how your body feels about a choice or situation
Practice asking your body a question and then feel into the “yes” answer vs. the “no” answer. How do they differ? Does one feel easier or lighter?
Practice trusting your intuition Regular meditation to:
Operate / function from a calmer state out of your parasympathetic nervous system.
Reduce stress. When you’re caught up in all the stress and emotions you make decisions and choices based off of your emotions and not from your inner sense, your intuitive sense of what is better
Decrease reactionary responses from the more reptilian area of your brain. That part where anger, frustration, fear, and other emotions drive actions and decisions.
Allow space to quiet the mind and slow down enough to listen to your inner knowing. Busyness doesn’t allow the space for this to happen.
How meditation works with your intuition.
Daily meditation strengthens your intuition by cleansing the mind and bringing your thoughts and feelings into alignment with the wisdom of the soul.
A strong intuitive mind gives you the ability to know the unknown consequences of our actions before we act, so that we can make wise choices to guide our lives.
A meditative mind is a process to the intuitive mind.
When you take the time to slow the thoughts down, to calm your body, to connect with your self you are guided in truth, your truth. Think about this … you’re happier when you do things that resonate with your soul, that light you up. That puts a smile on your face.
It’s quite the opposite when we’re in auto-pilot and are doing the things, reacting to people, feeling our emotions.
Note here: feeling your emotions is healthy and should be experienced, but getting caught in your emotions is another thing and that’s what I’m talking about here.

So, when you trust, believe and practice using your intuition you’ve allowed for more space, you’ve softened your “to do” always going, productive resolve and sat with yourself. That’s the magic and that’s where you connect to your knowing and allow for your creativity to present itself. You’re connecting with your intuitive sense.
Expanding & Strengthening Your Intuition Brings Joy
And when you settle into this space you’re happier because you’re connecting with your soul desires. You can better relate to and understand what it is that lights you up. You’ll do something just because “it feels” like something you should do or that you’d like to do not knowing why…. And, if you do this it inevitably leads to something else. As you follow this path you end up somewhere you may have never imagined, but somewhere that your soul has led you to and that brings you joy.

Your intuition, true sense of course keeps you protected. You’ll more often choose and follow the path of your soul, the path taking you in the right direction even when you don’t yet understand why. It protects you from making decisions rooted in emotion and thought … which may not always be the best course of action.
With intuition you’ll move into the guidance of tomorrow with the strength of today, and with the experience of yesterday.
Thinking brings your past into today … in a sense you’re living in your past. Yet many times we want to break away from past habits and patterns. There are things that serve us from our past and there are times when we need to trust our intuition and develop it so we make better choices in the present and future.
We get thousands of thoughts and we start thinking. With intuition you feel it, sense it, experience where the decision takes you … does it feel right?
Intuition is the source of happiness. Intuition is the personal reality to which your personality has to adjust. The natural beauty that you’ll like to flow in your life in a normal way will come out of your intuition.
Finding My Way Back to Intuition Through Kundalini Yoga
“When we are disconnected from our intuition, we tend to make choices that are in conflict with our truest nature. sometimes it is fear that sings the loudest. fear that we will lose love. fear that we will lose ourselves. fear that we really don’t know the best way.”
Carrie Anne tell her story about Kundalini Yoga:
There are many ways in which we can find our way back to our inner knowing. For some it is through writing or painting. For some it is through prayer or running. For me, Kundalini Yoga has been such a powerful practice in my life. I began studying it when I first moved to L.A. but it was about six years ago when I decided to deepen my devotion to it by becoming a teacher.
I remember lying in bed at night worrying about my children and the future. I was filled with so much anxiety and stress that I just knew that I needed to give myself more tools in order to thrive. What makes Kundalini Yoga different from some other styles of yoga is that the exercises are linked with breath and mantras that open the heart and mind to give you a sense of peace. One of the benefits of doing Kundalini Yoga is being in touch with your intuition.
“what makes kundalini different from some other styles of yoga is that the exercises are linked with breath and mantras that open the heart and mind to give you a sense of peace.”
Once I began to deepen my practice, the fear started to melt away. Over all, it has given me the ability to live my life free from chaos. The meditations clear my mind and open my heart. The Kryas give me strength. I am no longer searching for anyone to heal me or tell me what to do because I understand and believe that I have the ability to heal myself and the knowledge to make aligned choices.
Because this practice connects me to my intuition at such a deep level, I find that the answers to my questions come easily to me. When they don’t, I know that it is only a matter of waiting. My intuition is ignited and I no longer misinterpret my fear as my true voice (most of the time). The freedom I feel to live my life in a graceful way is something for which I am deeply grateful.

Did you know that we all have a halo?
It is a line of energy that stretches from ear to ear, across the brow, which we call the arcline in Kundalini Yoga. It is the central nucleus of our aura, the point at which the energies of the chakras come together to rest.
Our arcline is our essence, and it needs to be nourished. In this guide we will explore exactly what the arcline is, how to activate it, and how to ensure it is the strongest it can be.
What is the Arcline?
Let’s look at the essentials first. In Kundalini Yoga it is believed that we are made up of ten bodies. The arcline is the sixth of these bodies. It is the ring of energy that circles our head, projecting us to the world. It governs our intuition and judgment, and supports decision making and our professional processes.
When the arcline is strong we feel able to concentrate, our focus is intense and unwavering, and we can meditate with ease. On the other hand, when the arcline is weak or underdeveloped we may find ourselves to be easily influenced, struggle to make decisions, unfocused, and unhappy.
How to Activate the Arcline
When we work on ourselves, we activate our arcline. The more time we put into self-care and self-love, the more power our arcline projects. A strong sense of awareness allows us to fix issues before they bloom out of all control. In doing so, we reinforce the essence of our energy that is encapsulated by the arcline.
Spending meditative time in reflection helps us to activate the Sixth Body by boosting self awareness and helping to manifest our dreams. It allows us to recognize our power within ourselves, which is then reflected in the arcline.
How to Strengthen the Arcline
Many Kundalini yoga meditations will have a positive impact on the arcline because they encourage reflection and introspection.
Any routine which draws focus to the Third Eye chakra will help to build strength.
It is also essential to practice Satya in order to strengthen the Sixth Body. This is the art of speaking the truth, being true to oneself, embracing the beauty of simplicity, and always, always practicing what you preach. Taking time each day to set intentions and journaling your reflections whilst burning a cleansing incense is a great way to build this habit.
Basing your life around these central tenets boosts the self awareness and self belief that are essential to a strong arcline. When you have mastered this practice, the arcline is able to protect you and project your essence to the world.
Continue your Journey
Strengthening the arcline is a process and won’t happen overnight. It’s about creating healthy habits that will last a lifetime. But once these practices become regular habits you will begin to see a whole host of benefits, such as increased focus, intuition, and good concentration, so the sooner you start, the better.
Qualities: Justice, integrity, protection, projection, perception, and intuition.
Key Phrase “Person at Prayer” – Balance between physical and cosmic realms and between word and deed.
Mastery: Ability to focus, concentrate, to meditate; the intuition of the Sixth Body will protect you; the congruence of your inner reality with your external actions will carry great power.
If weak: overprotective; easily influenced; inconsistent in mood and behavior due to glandular imbalance; unable to focus or manifest prayers.
Key to Balancing the Arc-line: awaken the pituitary gland (Sixth Chakra) through activities like pranayama, meditation, and healthfully refined lifestyle choices.
A question to ask the Arc-Line body?
Am I being truthful?
Am I being honest?
Am I acting with
A Magical Guide to Romance and Connection:
In the world of natural remedies and ancient traditions, herbs have long been revered for their potent abilities to heal, soothe, and enchant. When it comes to matters of the heart, certain herbs are believed to possess the power to enhance love, passion, and emotional connection. Whether you are looking to deepen an existing relationship or attract new love into your life, these herbs can be a delightful and aromatic addition to your romantic endeavors.

1. Rose Petals: Symbolic of love and beauty, rose petals are often used in love spells and rituals. You can scatter them in your bath, use them to make a love-infused tea, or create a romantic potpourri to set the mood.
2. Lavender: Known for its calming and soothing properties, lavender can help create a serene and loving atmosphere. Add lavender essential oil to a diffuser, or place dried lavender under your pillow to invite sweet dreams of your beloved.
3. Jasmine: Often associated with sensuality and romance, jasmine’s intoxicating fragrance can enhance feelings of love and attraction. Use jasmine oil in massages, or burn jasmine incense to fill the air with its alluring scent.
4. Basil: In many cultures, basil is considered a symbol of love and fertility. Incorporate fresh basil into your cooking, or place basil leaves in a sachet under your mattress to promote passion and intimacy.
5. Yarrow: This herb is believed to bring courage and clarity in matters of the heart. Brew yarrow tea to help you make wise decisions in your love life, or carry a small sachet of yarrow with you for its protective energies.

In the midst of all the crazy vibes, why not sprinkle a little calm into your everyday chaos? Dive into the soothing world of Sitali Pranayam for a quick mental makeover that'll whisk you away to Zen town. Remember, sometimes the simplest things bring the biggest sparkle!
~ a joyful latte ~
2-3 Tbsp cacao powder
1/2 tsp mucuna
1/2 tsp maca
1/2 tsp mesquite
1tsp happiness tonic
1Tbsp coconut cream powder
1 tsp coconut crystals (sweeten as desired)
4oz homemade almond milk
4-5oz hot water
D I R E C T I O N S :
Add all ingredients into a blender for 5-10 seconds and serve

By following these recommendations, you'll be able to fully appreciate the beauty and opportunities that June has to offer. Enjoy the start of summer and make this month one to remember!
With Gratitude
Gabriela Ana
Holistic Health Coach

Herbs @animamuniherbals