March is one of the most transformative and pivotal months of 2025. We begin the month with Venus stationing retrograde, which brings a deep cycle of healing around our closest relationships and how we choose to give and receive love in our lives.
While Venus Retrograde is powerful enough on its own, it is quickly followed by an ultra-potent Blood Moon Eclipse in the sign of Virgo.
Arriving on March 14, this Blood Moon Eclipse carries some weight to it and could bring a sudden or unexpected event or ending. Whatever unfolds, the force of this Blood Moon will be peeling back some layers and creating room for transformation to unfold.
Following the Eclipse, Mercury stations retrograde, joining Venus in the underworld. This will slow the unfolding of the Eclipse energies and require us to move slowly and with ease. While we may feel pushed into a certain direction or faced with a challenge to navigate, Mercury Retrograde wants us to listen to our intuition and to take our time when it comes to making long term decisions.
Mercury’s Retrograde so close to the Eclipse is also a sign that we may need to backtrack and review the past in order to know the right way to move ahead.
Reflecting on where we have been and paying attention to possible signs or messages we may have missed is a good way to use this energy.
While some heavy and heated energies greet us in the first part of the month, the March Equinox on the 20th brings some fresh and inspiring energies to work with that can help to soften all we have been through.
The March Equinox is also considered the start of the astrological new year, so celebrate the journey traveled and welcome in the fresh energies with a hopeful heart.
The month comes to a close with another Eclipse on the 29th, this time it’s a Solar Eclipse in the sign of Aries. This Eclipse is a power point for setting intentions but it also brings the end of a bigger cycle we have been working with for the last 1.5 years. You can think of it as a graduation point that allows us to see the fullness of the journey we have traveled.
We are also reaching another graduation point with Neptune moving into Aries for the first time since 1875! This marks the start of a new cycle but also the closing of one we have been working with since 2011.
Neptune is the planet of hopes, dreams, and wishes, so we may find ourselves reflecting on those themes and how they have manifested or evolved in our lives since 2011.
Overall, March is quite an intense month, and most of us may find it brings unsettling energies, upheaval, and maybe even a significant ending. Trusting the flow of the Universe will help us to feel a little more confident in what lies ahead. After all, the Universe never brings us anything we can’t handle.
Let’s take a closer look into the key astrological dates for March 2025-
March Astrology 2025
March 1- Venus Retrograde in Aries
This is one of the most pivotal events of 2025 and will be influencing all of our closest relationships. Venus begins her descent into the underworld in the sign of Aries. Venus Retrograde in Aries can be a challenging dynamic to work with. We can feel ego wounds and emotional triggers rise up, especially when it comes to our relationships. We may find old relationship wounds or dynamics resurfacing that need our attention. Venus will eventually move into Pisces later in the month, but today kickstarts a cycle of deep self-care and reflection when it comes to our values, the giving and receiving of love, and our closest relationships. You can learn more about what to expect during Venus Retrograde here and get your horoscope here.
March 3- Mercury in Aries
Mercury, the planet of communication, moves into Aries, where it will also eventually descend into the underworld (i.e., go retrograde) later in the month. Mercury in Aries can give us a fiery spirit, especially when it comes to the way we communicate. We may find it easier to speak our truth and more willing to share our thoughts and opinions. We may have to be mindful of saying something we regret or oversharing. Conversations may also get a little more heated than they need to be, so try to approach delicate matters with this in mind. Mercury in Aries is however, a great time to start new projects and for inspiring entrepreneurial vision.
March 11- Mercury Conjunct Venus Retrograde in Aries
The messenger of the Gods, Mercury, aligns with Retrograde Venus, infusing their energies together. Here, Mercury imparts some wisdom to Venus, which will later be revealed to us as these two planets end their retrograde cycles in April.
March 13- Sun Conjunct Saturn in Pisces
This is one of the key astrological alignments that bring us into the depths of the Eclipse portal. The Sun and Saturn aligning indicates some challenges or difficulties that we need to face. Saturn is the Lord of Karma, so it seems some deep karmic lessons may come to the surface for us. Saturn is also considered our Master Teacher, so while we may find ourselves dealing with some challenges or harsh energy, we are also learning and growing too!
March 14- Blood Moon Eclipse in Virgo
The Blood Moon Eclipse is one of the most powerful astrological events of the year! Blood Moon Eclipses fast-track our timeline and bring us closer to closing a chapter in our lives. Sometimes, the closing of this chapter can be welcomed, but other times, we may struggle to let go. Because our timeline is sped up, we may not feel ready or equipped to handle what comes our way and this can create difficulties. It is always worthwhile remembering that Eclipses put us where we need to be, even if we can’t see it just yet. Falling in the sign of Virgo, we may notice issues coming up in relation to our health or day-to-day projects or routines. We may also feel challenged to listen to our inner wisdom and to trust our intuition even if we are not receiving support.
March 15- Mercury Retrograde in Aries
Mercury descends into the underworld, joining Venus. Mercury and Venus retrograde at the same time and so close to the Eclipse is definitely a challenging and powerful combination. It seems that whatever sudden endings or turns the Eclipse brings need time to marinate and evolve before we can really rush in and understand things. Move slowly and keep listening to your intuition, it will be your guide. Mercury will remain retrograde until April 7.
March 19- Sun Conjunct Neptune in Pisces
The Sun and Neptune align once a year, bringing spiritual wisdom, heightened dreams, and a deeper intuition. This is a soft energy that we can use to step into our creativity and to listen to our inner world with greater reverence. Nurturing our spiritual selves is also a powerful way to use this energy. Spend some time recharging your auric field and treating your body as a temple.
March 20- Equinox/ Sun in Aries / Start of Astrological New Year
Welcome to the start of the astrological new year! This will bring some welcomed fresh energy after all the heaviness of the Eclipses. We may feel a little lighter or a little more optimistic about what lies ahead. This is a powerful time to set intentions for the months ahead and to celebrate all you have been through. It’s time to leave the past in the past and cultivate new beginnings.
March 22- Sun Conjunct Venus Retrograde in Aries (Venus Starpoint)
This is a power day in the Venus Retrograde cycle and can bring some clarity and wisdom our way when it comes to whatever lessons this retrograde has been bringing up for us. We may have an ah-ha moment when it comes to a relationship in our lives, or we may suddenly have new realizations around how we have been choosing to give and receive love in our lives.
March 24- Sun Conjunct Mercury Retrograde in Aries (Mercury Cazimi)
This is a power day in the Mercury Retrograde cycle and can bring some clarity and wisdom when it comes to whatever messages and information Mercury has been trying to bring to our attention. We may experience a helpful conversation today or receive some intel that helps support us in some way.
March 26- Venus Retrograde Conjunct Neptune in Pisces
Some painful realizations when it comes to love and matters of the heart may crop up for us today. The wool may have been pulled over our eyes in the past, but now we are able to see the whole truth. This can be confronting, but will ultimately allow us to move forward with grace. Don’t be tempted to bury your head in the sand or allow things to continue in the same direction. As the saying goes- when we know better, we do better. This is the only way to break the cycle.
March 27- Venus Retrograde in Pisces
Retrograde Venus moves into the sign of Pisces, and this shift should bring some relief. Venus Retrograde in Pisces is a softer energy and will shift majority of our work inward. Challenging relationships may have come up for us, but now we are given a chance to catch our breath and work on harnessing self-love and self-care. Venus Retrograde helps to recalibrate our hearts and the giving and receiving of love in our lives, and at this stage of its journey, we are called to prioritize self-love and self-care.
March 29- Solar Eclipse in Aries
Continuing deeper into Eclipse Season, we have a Partial Solar Eclipse in the sign of Aries. This is the last Eclipse in a cycle we have been working with since July 2023, so while Solar Eclipses generally bring new openings and pathways, there is a sense of closure that also comes along with this Eclipse. Whatever lessons or journey the last Eclipse cycle has wanted to reveal to us has now been exposed, and we are able to see fully where we stand. The energies have come full circle and we can now move confidently ahead into a new chapter of our soul’s evolution. This Eclipse is definitely not as strong as the Blood Moon earlier in the month, but it should bring some welcomed fresher energies into the collective.
March 29- Mercury Retrograde in Pisces
Mercury now moves back into Pisces, where it will remain for the rest of the retrograde. Mercury retrograde in Pisces may have us feeling mentally cluttered or even scattered. We may find it hard to clear our minds and to let go of unnecessary mental chatter. Mercury Retrograde, especially in Pisces, is not a time to believe everything we think or hear. Instead, it’s an opportunity to get in touch with how we are truly feeling and to pay attention to the signs and clues the Universe is sending our way. Mercury is the messenger of the Gods, and in the underworld it is helping us to recognize and uncover hidden or lost messages that we may have forgotten or overlooked. Spending time in reflection, reviewing events of the past, and learning from those who have been there are all good ways to channel this energy.
March 30- Neptune in Aries
This brings a major shift in our collective consciousness! Neptune moving into Aries will be setting us up for a new cycle that will slowly begin kicking into gear as of today. While Neptune will dance back and forth between Aries and Pisces for a while, we are starting to get a taste of a new energy dynamic. Neptune has been in Pisces since 2011, so we will start to notice a closing to this chapter. Neptune is the planet of hopes, dreams, and wishes, so we may notice goals set in 2011 slowly dissipating or even evolving. As Neptune moves into Aries, the energy becomes a lot more headstrong and a lot more focused around who we are as individuals. We will feel an expanding need to be true to ourselves and to express more of our true nature. While this is a big shift, it will take time for all the energies to reveal themselves. Neptune will remain in Aries until October 2025, when it will retrograde back into Pisces until 2026.
Thank you Tanaaz!!